Friday, August 19, 2016

2 Corinthians 9:8

Hi Everyone!!


On July 6, 2016 our lives were forever changed.  This was the day that we had our first glimpse into the promise that God had for our family in February 2013.  This was the day we saw Emma’s face for the very first time.  Since then we have been working on finalizing paperwork and preparing to travel to China to bring our little girl home.  There is so much paperwork and preparation involved in these final weeks and we have been working diligently to complete these final tasks so that when our travel is approved by China, we are ready!


That all being said there is still one area of our adoption we are working on to make ends meet so we are able to travel in either September or October.  I have mentioned in a few blog posts about the financial aspect of our adoption and this is by far one of the hardest things to talk about.  It is not easy to ask for help, especially when it comes to money.  I want to take the time to thank everyone who has donated toward our adoption.  We are so incredibly grateful for generosity and love!! 


The financial cost of adoption is around $30,000-$40,000.  As of today, we have spent around $12,000 for our China adoption (this does not include the money we spent when we started the process to adopt from Ethiopia in 2013).  These costs have covered government fees, physical appointments, visa and passport fees and sending our paperwork to China for translation and review.  Currently, we are still around $16,000 - $18,000 short of being able to travel to China to bring Emma home.  These remaining costs will cover our airfare, hotel, and orphanage donation.  While this may seem like a lot of money, we know that God will help us find a way to make ends meet. 


“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”

2 Corinthians 9:8


God has blessed us in so many ways.  We feel so incredibly lucky that He chose US to be Emma’s parents and we are not going to let anything stand in our way of bringing our little girl home.  Today, we plan on going to the bank to get information on taking out a home equity loan to help us finance our adoption costs.  God is helping us find a way to make a way!!


We also have been blessed to received a $2000 matching grant with Lifesong for Orphans.  Through your generous donations we have been able to raise $1000 in donations and $1000 in matching grants!!  Because we have a $2000 matching grant, that means we still have another $1000 that can be matched through Lifesong!  This is an amazing opportunity and blessing for our family.


If you would like to partner with us financially to help us bring our daughter home, please check out the link below for more details:

Or if you would like to make a donation via check:

Please make checks payable to “Lifesong for Orphans. In the memo – note “Ayres/#6091” – this assures it will go to the correct account. Please mail to Lifesong for Orphans, PO Box 40, Gridley, IL 61744. 

Lifesong for Orphans is a 501 c 3 organization and all donations are tax deductible!!!

We want to thank everyone again for their generosity and prayers!  God will make a way to help us make ends meet.  He did not bring us this far for us to fall short.  We are merely God's instruments in His plan to give one beautiful girl a family and a home.  We will continue to have faith in His power and we truly beleive God has a way of making what seems impossible, possible!!

Take Care and God Bless!!!

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