Saturday, May 21, 2016

Isaiah 60:22

One would think that after waiting for almost 3 1/2 years I would be better at being patient.  However, after receiving the update in April that 20 children files were going to be sent to our agency at any moment, that spark of desire inside of me was lite into full force.  Everything in that moment,  in one short email became real.  Words cannot describe the mix of emotions that I felt as I reviewed each individual picture of those beautiful 20 children.  Our daughter...the one we have been waiting on for almost 3 1/2 years is quite possibly one of those beautiful 20 faces.  I find myself thinking of her and praying for her more than ever.  My mind is always wandering to thoughts of her.  What does she look like?  How old is she?  Does she know how much she is loved?  I dream often of the day when all these questions are answered and we meet her face to face.  What an amazing testimony to God's faithfulness that day will be. 
While we wait, I feel like I check my email more than the average person should and never leave my phone more than an ear shot away.  Our time is coming and I don't want to miss that call.  It's quite amazing how we are one phone call away from our lives completely changing.  However, while we wait for the phone to ring, I was reminded yesterday through a simple Facebook message, that when that time is right, the Lord will make it happen.
I know God's timing is perfect.  I know God has hand chosen our child before we even considered adoption.  I know God knows what is best for our family.  But even knowing all that, the wait is hard.  However, I know that God is using this time for a purpose and I am still able to find peace in knowing that the God who created the universe has every little detail planned out.  When the time is right, the Lord will make it happen.
Currently we are around number 7 on "the list" for a little girl.  Our agency hopes to hear word from China about the twenty files soon.  But just like with any adoption, the wait is unpredictable.  We could know tomorrow or we may not know for months.  So while we wait, I will continue to hold onto the peace of knowing, when the time is right, the Lord will make it happen. 
Thank you for all of your prayers and support. 
God Bless.

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