Monday, October 7, 2013

Dossier to America World....

Hello everyone!!!

As you may or may not know we have a very, very exciting of Friday afternoon we officially completed and mailed out our dossier to America World Adoption!!!  Thank you Lord!!! We are beyond thrilled to finally have completed this big step and to be progressing forward in our adoption!

So where do we go from here? Once our agency receives our dossier (which should be today) they will pass it through a two step check to ensure that all the paperwork is perfect and no additional paperwork is needed. Once it is given the final approval from our agency it will be shipped off to Africa and we will officially be dte (dossier to Ethiopia)!!! This is when the real wait begins. As of today America World estimates that a family can wait anywhere from 30-36 months before being matched with a child.  We are hoping and praying that it will not take this long. However, we fully understand that this will all happen in Gods timing not ours and we are praying that we learn patience along the way. 

So what do we do while we wait? Currently we are planning on applying for several adoption grants. We still have a long road ahead of us for fundraising and want to do all that we can to reach our financial goal. We also plan on having a few dine to donates over the course of the next few months. The holiday season is quickly approaching and we understand that Thanksgiving and Christmas are a very busy time of the year for everyone so we are keeping our fundraisers simple and few. 

Again we would like to take the time to thank everyone who has helped us along the way. We are so grateful for everyone who has donated because without your contributions we would not be where we are today!!!  We also want to thank everyone for your prayers and encouragement. We are truly blessed to be surrounded by such amazing people!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! :-)

We will continue to keep you updated as we wait for word back from America World on the status of our dossier. 

God bless!!!

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