Good afternoon!!!
We have some exciting news to share...We received word today from our social worker that our home study has officially been approved by both our home study and adoption agency! Our social worker said she has finished her part in this process by signing and sending the copies off to our home study agency in Indianapolis. She estimated they will receive the paperwork by Monday which means we will hopefully have our home study in hand by this time next week. This is exciting because that means we are back on track and we will soon be able to submit our i600a to the United States Immigration and Citizen Services. This will be for "preapproval" of Amira's citizenship. It is at this point our final background check will be completed as we will be required to get fingerprinted. We are looking forward to get this next step done as I have been told it can take up to 6 weeks to complete. Hurray for progress!
I also wanted to take this time to thank James O'Connor and his karate school as he has offered to display our fundraising items and promote the concept of having compassion for others at his next belt test. I think this is amazing for a few reasons, one being that word of our adoption is continuing to spread over northwest Indiana. As more people hear of our story, the stronger our prayer chain becomes. Not only are others hearing our story but they are hearing about the orphan crisis of the world. Sometimes it is easy to ignore what we cannot see or maybe we don't even realize the problems that exist in our world today, but the reality is out there. There are children who need us. Whether that be through adoption, sponsorship, mission work or prayer, they need our love and support. Lastly, I think it is amazing that Mr O'Connor is promoting the concept of having compassion for others to the youth of his establishment. It is obvious many of these children look up to him and value his opinions. Training children young to have a heart for others is an amazing life lesson, something we are teaching our children and its great to see others value it as well. So a big thanks to you!! And best of luck at your belt tests this weekend.
It never ceases to amazing me the people God has placed in our path along this journey. We are truly appreciative of everything everyone has done for us. Whether it be helping with fund raisers, buying a shirt or bracelet, making a donation or praying for us, our journey, and our daughter half way around the world, we are so grateful. Your acts of kindness and compassion are more encouraging than you may think. So thank you. :-)
We will continue to keep you updated as we venture down this road we call adoption. God bless!
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