Thursday, January 16, 2014

Patience and prayer...

For those of you following our blog and our Ethiopia adoption, you may have read in our last post that there have been some rumors of Ethiopia closing international adoption.  For those who did not read our latest blog post, there have been rumors that Ethiopia was considering shutting the doors on international adoptions for a few reasons, the main one being that they wanted to keep their children in their own culture. However, with 4.3 million orphan children in Ethiopia alone, we are praying that this rumor doesn't become a reality. Today our agency was suppose to hear back from Ethiopia their decision of the direction of international adoption, unfortunately parliament didn't not make the announcement as planned. Therefore, we will have to wait until next Thursday to hear their decision. 

We are asking for your prayers as we continue to wait for an answer. But more specifically, we ask for your prayers for the orphans of Ethiopia, their safety and well being. Also, we pray that Ethiopia will see the need for continued intervention on behalf of their orphan children; with so many orphans it is clear that the need far exceeds their resources.  Therefore, we are praying that they will continue to allow international adoption to take place and we will someday hold our little Amira in our arms and welcome her as our own. 

We know The Lord almighty is in control and he has a plan.  So until we know the answer we will continue to pray and rest assure knowing he is in control.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. 

Proverbs 3:5-6