Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Amira Update

Hello Everyone!

As many of you may have already known, we had our third home study visit last night.  This visit was a little different from the first two because our social worker had to speak with us individually.  The reason our agency does this is so they can hear first hand from both Nic and I our individual motives for adopting and get more information one on one about us pertaining to our family background and dynamic, our childhood, and the views of our friends and family about our adoption, ect.  When she was done getting all the additional information she needed from us individually, she asked us a few questions as a couple.  After we finished our session, we scheduled to meet for our fourth and final visit next Monday.  At our final visit we will go over the report she wrote about us to verify that everything is accurate.  In addition to going over her report, she will also have a list of final questions that we must answer - each country has their own set of questions, so we will be answering the questions predetermined by Ethiopia.  After we are done reviewing our home study report and answering the final list of questions our social worker will send out home study to St Elizabeth/Coleman for their international adoption coordinator to review.  Once she approves that it meets all the requirements she will forward it to our America World Adoption Coordinator, who will also review the report to ensure we meet Ethiopian standards.  Once everyone is satisfied with the home study, it will be printed, signed and notarized.

Once we receive a final copy of our home study, we will send it off to the USCIS (United States Citizen and Immigration Services) along with an I600A.  The I600A is an application for "Advance Processing of Orphan Petition"...basically a pre-approval of citizenship for Amira.  It is at this point we will also be scheduled for fingerprinting.  But before I get too far ahead of myself I am going to stop there.  We are taking everything one step at a time so once we send off our I600A and Home study I will update everyone with the details.

On a side note, our adoption agency and home study agency have both commented on how quickly we have provided them with all of our dossier paperwork.  We are well on track to have all of our paperwork completed before our December 1st goal.  If we have all of our paperwork completed earlier than anticipated and God willing have raised the financial aspect needed to submit our dossier, Nic and I have decided we will submit everything before our December 1st goal.  I anticipate that we will have our paperwork completed by mid October - early November at the latest.  We are very excited to be on track with everything and it will be a relief to have our dossier submitted and approved.  I never imagined that adoption a little girl would be this difficult and time consuming.  Paper pregnancy really is more difficult than physical pregnancy.  But we know in the end having our precious little girl at home will make this struggle seem like it never happened.  Just like when the doctors placed Jaxon and Evelynn in my arms for the first time, it was like the pain I just endured through natural childbirth never happened.

We also have another exciting announcement that we would like to share with everyone.  When we first began this process, we specified that we wanted to adopt a little girl between the ages of 1 and 3.  However, because of extensive length of time it takes to adopt a child from Ethiopia we decided to take our some what small age gap and broaden it a little in the hopes of minimizing the already long time frame.  We have asked our home study to approve us for a child between the age of newborn and 5 years old and we will be submitting an application to Ethiopia for a little girl between the age of newborn and 4 years old.  Yes there is a difference in what our home study will read and what we submit to Ethiopia, this allows a little wiggle room for changes.  We are excited for what the future has in store for our family.

I know this may not make a lot of sense but Amira is a part of our family.  No we do not know what she looks like, no we do not know how old she is, no we do not know anything about her.  But we love her so much.  We think about her daily.  She is just as much part of this family as any of the rest of us.  She just isn't physically here yet.  I know this is hard to understand because it is easier to understand something when you can physically see it.  In a way, our Amira is a lot like having faith. Just like faith, we do not have to see her to know that she exists, we just know that she does exists and that she is out there waiting to be a part of our family.  God predestined her to be here and we will stop at nothing to follow through with God's will for our family.  God is on our side and we know without a shadow of a doubt this is the path we have been chosen to follow.
...if God is for us, who can be against us
Romans 8:31

We would like to take this time to thank everyone again for their encouragement, support, and prayers.  We also want to thank God because without him we would not be where we are today adopting a little girl from Africa.  If it were not for him calling us to this path, we would have never even thought of adopting a child.  I cannot emphasize enough that this adoption is only possible because of his grace and love.  The day our precious girl is officially an Ayres' all the glory be to our Lord because we COULD NOT do this without his strength, guidance, love, grace and mercy.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Home study update - 2 down 2 to go!!!

Good morning everyone!!!!

Well we had our second official home study evaluation last night. We are so glad to have this process underway!  In order to meet Ethiopian standards for a home study, we must meet with a social worker on four different occasions.  We learned last night that our first "official" meeting was a few weeks ago when we traveled to Indianapolis to meet at St Elizabeth/Coleman's main office. It was at this time we met with one of the international adoption coordinators (who is also a social worker) to go over the process and paperwork of the home study as well as introducing ourselves and giving a glimpse into our lives and our motives for adopting. Our meeting last night was a little different than our first meeting because it was conducted in our home and our children were part of the evaluation. 

But before I go into great detail about our meeting last night, let me give a brief summary of what we needed to do before being assigned a social worker from northwest Indiana.  The first step of our home study process was the application and acceptance into the home study program, which we passed. The second step was traveling to Indianapolis to meet with the international adoption coordinator at St Elizabeth/Coleman. It was at this time we were given detailed information of the process of our home study, as well as the trials and tribulations of adopting. We were also asked to open up about our lives and share our reasons for adopting. We also were asked to provide a lot of information to the home study agency and sign a lot of paperwork allowing them to do detailed background checks on us. When we left Indianapolis we were given "homework" to do before we could proceed with the process. Some of this homework included a total of around 30 essay questions, going to our police station and having a local background check done on ourselves, providing a detailed financial breakdown of our assets and liabilities, providing reference letters, having health physicals, lots of blood work and tb tests for both us and the kids just to name a few. As you can see, there was a lot of additional paperwork we had to do before we could proceed with our home study and we worked hard to get this completed quickly so we could move forward. But we could not do this alone. I want to first thank The Lord because without his strength we would not be where we are today.  I also want to take this time to thank everyone who has helped make this possible, such as our references who had to make several trips to the bank to notarize and re notarize their letters - your efforts in helping us meet Ethiopian standards are much appreciated!!! Also to my sitter, aka mom, who watched Jaxon and Evelynn so we could get all of our extra running around done that was necessary to get the paperwork we needed. We love you very much and appreciate all you do to help us out!!

Once we submitted all the necessary paperwork on our end, the home study agency did a little research of their own, such as criminal background checks and sex offender checks- both of which we obviously had no record. After our social worker had time to review our file, she scheduled an appointment to come to our house.  All in all I think we did very well last night. Poor Jaxon had a cold and a tummy ache mixed with the fact he was overtired from our family reunion from the day before so he was a little under the weather. In fact after being put in time out for pushing his sister, he crawled up on the couch and fell asleep.  While he slept, Nic, Evy and I spent time in the playroom with our social worker. She asked us a lot of questions about our lives, our children and our motives for adopting. She also presented us with a few questions that we need to pray and consider pertaining to the health of our adoptive daughter. As you may or may not know there are several health issues in Africa that deem a child "undesirable" but are really not a big issue in America because of the advances in health care and technology.  We thought we had everything pretty much determined when it came to this topic but it appears there are a lot more out there than what we initially expected. We are asking for your prayers for guidance to help us determine the possibilities we can take on and the route God wants us to go.    As always we appreciate your support and prayers. 

Our next step in the evening was giving a complete tour of our house to determine if it is child friendly, this was the easiest part. Once we finished our tour, we scheduled our next appointment for the following Monday. At this appointment we will be interviewed individually. Jaxon will also be asked a few questions, but our social worker understands he is pretty young to truly understand what is going on. 

Our last appointment will be going over our home study report and making any final changes before it is sent to the international adoption coordinator at St Elizabeth/Coleman who will also review the file and determine anything that needs to be changed or reviewed. The final approval will be done by AWAA. Once everyone agrees we have hit all the main points and it is satisfactory on our end we will be given the official copies. This is a huge step because this means our dossier is almost complete!!!!  

Once we are given the final copy I will give details of our final steps in completing our dossier. We are well on track to completing our paper end of our dossier by our December 1st goal. God willing we will also be on track financially to submit our paperwork. All in God's time not ours. Thank you again for all our your support and prayers. We truly appreciate everyone's kind words and encouragement. We will continue to keep you updated on our mission to bring Amira home. 

God bless. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Project Ethiopia Update!!!

Hello Everyone!!

Nic and I wanted to update everyone on where we are in our adoption process. :)  As far as our home study, we are currently waiting for our social worker to contact us to schedule a Saturday to spend with our family.  From what we have been told from St Elizabeth Coleman, the social worker will come spend an entire day with us.  She will interview Nic and I individually and as a couple.  She will also try talking to both Jaxon and Evelynn.  She will watch us interact as a family and observe how we respond to one another and she will also go through the house and check for obvious hazards and point out changes we need to make.  Honestly, at this point, I am not really nervous about the home study; I believe it will be a very positive experience.  Once the home study begins, we will owe the standard fee of $1500 + mileage for the social worker to come out to our house.  The amazing part of that fee is the fact that we raised $1750 with our garage sale fundraiser, so the cost of our home study will be covered.  Just another amazing experience for our family that shows that God will provide.  We will update everyone once we hear from our social worker.

As far as our dossier (the paperwork that is complied and sent out to Ethiopia) - despite a few things we are almost complete.  It is truly amazing how everything has come together with minimal issues.  I remember thinking "wow there is so much we have to do" and here we are just a few short months later almost done.  Really the only things that we need to focus on at this point is getting our reference letters and completing our home study.  Once our home study is complete there are several other things we will need to work on before we can officially send out dossier to Ethiopia.  Some of these things include sending out the I600A paperwork to get preapproval for citizenship for Amira, getting our fingerprints done, final background check by the FBI and state certifying all our paperwork just to mention a few but these steps can't be completed until our home study is done.

We are excited to be moving along so smoothly and quickly.  Our goal is and has been to be able to submit our paperwork and financial requirements by December 1st.  Once Ethiopia receives our paperwork, we may not be matched with a child for a while.  The estimated time frame can range from 12-30 months.  Even though we are excited and anxious to meet our little girl, we know that it will all happen in God's timing.  I will have a firm grasp on patience by the time Amira is in our arms.

Even though our paperwork is complete and we are just waiting for the next step to happen doesn't mean we haven't been busy with other adoption stuff.  Yesterday we had our second dine to donate, this time at Applebee's.  We are excited to hear the results.  Thank you to everyone who was able to eat on our behalf!! :)  Speaking of dine to donate, I spoke to Bob Evan's today and they informed me a check has been shipped to our house.  Once we have the official number, I will be sure to post it on here; the same with Applebee's.

Another thing that I have been busy with is making Amira her baby book.  Obviously a traditional baby book from Babies R Us is not going to work for her childhood, so I have been working on a scrapbook to document the process of her adoption.  This will include how we began the process, letters and pictures of her immediate family, and fundraising events.  In addition with showing her how she became a part of our family, I also want to show her the life she lived before she came to America.  Our home study agency emphasized how important it is for us to be able to show her where she came from.  Therefore, when we go Ethiopia I plan on taking our camera so we can take pictures of everything.  I look forward to working on this exciting but yet emotional project and I hope that one day she will cherish it.

We want to continue to thank everyone for your support and prayers as we continue along in our mission of bringing our little girl home.  Thank you!!


Monday, July 1, 2013

One less....

I heard this song on the way home from work today and wanted to share it with everyone. Obviously we already have a little girl and boy to call our own but we can't wait to add to that number and have three to love! We can't wait for our worlds to collide Amira!!! We hope to see you soon and pray for you everyday!!! 

One less
Matthew West

There's a child
Been abandoned out on the street
Now she's waiting for someone to be her miracle

There's a wife
Somewhere halfway around the world
Begging God for a litte girl she can call her own

Well, worlds collide 
And colors fade
And a man and wifre
Brought their little girl home today

And there's one less
One less
One less broken heart in the world tonight
Yeah, there's one less
One less
There's one less broken heart in the world tonight

We are called 
To the widows and the orphans
But it's easy to ignore their silent crys
Oh, but every single time
Somebody reaches into the darkness
Makes a choice to help the helpless
They let mercy save a life

And there's one less
One less
One less broken heart in the world tonight
Yeah, there's one less
One less
Yeah, there's one less broken heart in the world tonight

Well the truth is we are all the orphans
But love has left the 99 just to find the one

So let worlds collide
Colors fade 
Let your life 
Be the miracle today

One less
One less
One less broken heart in the world tonight
Tonight I know there's one less
One less
One less broken heart in the world tonight

One less child without a home
One less birthday gone forgotten
One more soul rising from the bottom

One less night alone
One less child without a home
One less birthday gone forgotten
One more soul rising from the bottom

One less
One less
One less broken heart in the world tonight